Friday, June 6, 2008


I have the knees of an old woman.
Sometimes it's best to give up a fight against a lawn mower.
I try to keep my expectations low, but even so I sometimes betray myself and believe that "this time will be different."
When I grow up I'm going to have a menagerie.
I have an unhealthy obsession trench coats... and jackets in general, really.
I love Calvin and Hobbes, but if I ever have a child like Calvin I'm giving him away.
When I was little I used to wish that I had an imaginary friend.
I'd rather have dirt under my fingernails than a manicure.
I like scars that have good stories behind them.
I want to write a book, but I have neither the talent nor the intrinsic drive.
LEGOS make me feel like a little kid in the best way.
I love making books.
I plan on being the crazy cat lady when I get old and senile.
Cats that act like dogs are the coolest domestic animals EVER.
The parts of my personality that I'd most like to change are the ones that I'll never be able to.
The poetry I wrote in 4th grade was more honest and poignant than anything I could write now. I miss being that free.
I've given my brother a complex about his "Maalox toes."
I fall in love with places and situations. Not people.
Before opening up to people I have to know I can trust them, but in order to know if I can trust them I have to open up to them. Hence the extremity of how socially awkward I am.
I cover up my fear of honest conversation by being a smartass.
I won the Pine Wood Derby when I was 4, but because I'm a girl they wouldn't give me a trophy.

1 comment:

Stephanie Walker said...

This is just about the most honest, transparent, and naked I have seen you bare your soul. You are incredibly honest - there is a guy out there waiting for just your brand of honesty, integrity, and femininity! And you are right about being a smart-ass as a cover. I know it's just a cover, but until others get to know you they don't KNOW that :) I think that when you finally become secure enough to drop that cover more often, amazing things will happen. Of course - there lies the conundrum - what a double-edged sword. This I know first hand :)