Sunday, July 27, 2008

As concocted by two drunk Trekkies:

Blue Planet Drinking Game

1 Drink for all
drinking does not occur during credits
montage rule: instances en masse are counted as 5 drinks total (i.e. dolphins eating a school of fish/feeding frenzies = 5 drinks)

-English pronunciations/British versions of words (“nutriment”)
-when CGI is suspected (motion must be seconded)
-death (must be onscreen, though implied deaths are debatable. i.e., carcasses are not drunk to, though animals whose perils are observed may be)
-”SAT” words are used (words whose definitions are determined by context)
-inappropriate/common/off-color words/references are used (“weird,” etc.)
-factuality is called into question (with believable backing-up)*
-computer-created sound effects (introduction only, subsequent instances of the same sound effect are not drunk to)
-crisis music/animals going into crisis mode (music must represent plight of prey)
-people on screen
-the importance of the sun is mentioned
-”holy shit moments”/players are rendered speechless
-emotional appeals (i.e. misrepresentation of evolution, ”killers”/”murderous” to describe predation, narrator is overly vague/speculative)*
-animal cuteness is disputed
-filming of series results in scientific firsts
-bastard takings-advantage-of (i.e. eating/killing of babies and/or eggs, unfair advantages)
-symbiosis is mentioned/shown
-uncountable breedings occur on screen
-initiations on tangential hilarity

*all subjective occurrences must have at least one concurrence

Saturday, July 5, 2008


So tomorrow I'm off again. Another 2-week adventure in paint fumes and tundra funk. I hope to God that this isn't the hitch they send us all to the dump to bag up trash for burying. Plodding my way through the tundra for 12 hours broke me enough, I can't imagine what the same amount of time in a dump would do to my spirit.
On another note, a teenage girl was mauled by a Grizzly about a half mile from my parents house a few days ago and I came home to a black bear in the driveway today. As much as I hate to be going back to work, I can't help but think that this a good time to be getting out of the area.
All is not lost in the world of me, however. I got paid on Friday!