Sunday, July 27, 2008

As concocted by two drunk Trekkies:

Blue Planet Drinking Game

1 Drink for all
drinking does not occur during credits
montage rule: instances en masse are counted as 5 drinks total (i.e. dolphins eating a school of fish/feeding frenzies = 5 drinks)

-English pronunciations/British versions of words (“nutriment”)
-when CGI is suspected (motion must be seconded)
-death (must be onscreen, though implied deaths are debatable. i.e., carcasses are not drunk to, though animals whose perils are observed may be)
-”SAT” words are used (words whose definitions are determined by context)
-inappropriate/common/off-color words/references are used (“weird,” etc.)
-factuality is called into question (with believable backing-up)*
-computer-created sound effects (introduction only, subsequent instances of the same sound effect are not drunk to)
-crisis music/animals going into crisis mode (music must represent plight of prey)
-people on screen
-the importance of the sun is mentioned
-”holy shit moments”/players are rendered speechless
-emotional appeals (i.e. misrepresentation of evolution, ”killers”/”murderous” to describe predation, narrator is overly vague/speculative)*
-animal cuteness is disputed
-filming of series results in scientific firsts
-bastard takings-advantage-of (i.e. eating/killing of babies and/or eggs, unfair advantages)
-symbiosis is mentioned/shown
-uncountable breedings occur on screen
-initiations on tangential hilarity

*all subjective occurrences must have at least one concurrence

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